anna delvey net worth and salary

WHO IS anna delvey

Anna Delvey was born and raised in a family of artists and designers. Started her career as a model before moving into real estate and working as an interior designer.

PHOTO CREDIT - anna delvey

Fooled the Elite in NYC

Anna Delvey’s Net Worth, striking appearance, and persona led to a friendship with the wealthy. Including the likes of Karlie Kloss and Samantha Boardman.

PHOTO CREDIT - anna delvey

Fraud and the Fall

Delvey came clean about her fake identity and was sentenced to two years in prison. After which she was extradited to the U.S., where she pleaded guilty to five counts of grand larceny.

PHOTO CREDIT - anna delvey


Anna Delvey’s Net Worth and her Fraud Story have been acquired by Netflix for a six-episode series, which premiered on 11th February.

PHOTO CREDIT - anna delvey


Netflix paid $3,20,000 for the rights to tell her story. But besides the money, the series will also give Anna her fame and what she deserves after all her hard work.

PHOTO CREDIT - anna delvey


As a result of her prison sentence, Anna Delvey is now a prisoner of her fraud. She is unable to access traditional banking systems and has to rely on her friends for personal and financial support.

PHOTO CREDIT - anna delvey

net worth

As of 2022, Anna Delvey’s Net Worth is estimated at $60 million. She was also accused of defrauding her landlord out of approximately $200,000 in New York.

PHOTO CREDIT - anna delvey