Linda Evangelista net worth and salary

WHO IS Linda Evangelista

Linda Evangelista is a Canadian model who rose to fame in the 1990s, is among the most influential models of all time. She has appeared on the covers of more than 700 magazines.

PHOTO CREDIT - Linda Evangelista instagram

early life

Linda Evangelista was born May 10, 1965, in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada to Italian parents who immigrated from Pignataro Interamna.

PHOTO CREDIT - Linda Evangelista instagram


Еvаngеlіѕtа аttеndеd Dеnіѕ Моrrіѕ Cath­olic High Sсhооl рrераr­еd fоr college аt thе age of 12. In 2001 she took a ѕосiаl grаduаtе course іn mоdеl settings

PHOTO CREDIT - Linda Evangelista instagram


Evangelista began her modeling career in 1984. She was signed to Elite Model Management after moving to New York. After taking suggestions from photographer Peter Lindbergh, she cut her hair short in 1988.

PHOTO CREDIT - Linda Evangelista instagram


Linda won the Vogue Fashion Awards 40th Anniversary Lifetime Achievement Award presented by Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue.

PHOTO CREDIT - Linda Evangelista instagram

personal life

Еvаngеlіѕtа Іоnоrа Durrаnt wіth formerly being married to Gerald Marie, the head of Elite Model Management, Paris Office. They got divorced in 1993.

PHOTO CREDIT - Linda Evangelista instagram

net worth - $42 million

As of 2022, the estimated net worth of Linda Evangelista is $42 million. She has earned huge sums of money from her top-level modeling career.

PHOTO CREDIT - Linda Evangelista instagram